
Conference on
Packing and Jamming of Particulate Systems

15.-18. September 2014
Erlangen Germany

Thorsten Pöschel
Institute for Multiscale Simulation of Particulate Systems
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Nägelsbachstr. 49b
91052 Erlangen / Germany

Gerd Schröder-Turk
Institut für Theoretische Physik
FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
Staudtraße 7
91058 Erlangen/ Germany

Abstract Submission

DEADLINE: Friday, June 20th 2014

We are inviting abstracts for oral contributions and for posters. We are anticipating to accommodate approximately 20 slots for contributed talks, of approximately 15-20 minutes plus question time. Please submit an abstract by email to conference-jam-packed@fau.de. We encourage you to use the linked latex template and to include an image or graphic in your abstract.

Jam-Packed Conference 2014 - a Project of MSS and TPI